Campaign finance


We work with partners to gather and process campaign finance data at the state and federal levels. We then match that data to our People and Elections datasets so we can make better targeting and messaging recommendations to Matchbook users. For Stacks users, these connections enable numerous additional use cases – such as forecasting and better-informed donor prospecting.

This table includes person-level data – summarizing a campaign's fundraising activity over the course of an election.

Note: we consider primary and general election campaigns to be distinct. Primary campaigns include only fundraising activity up to the primary election date. General election campaigns include all fundraising activity up to the general election date – including any fundraising activity from the primary.




campaign id

Unique ID associated with a political campaign.

last updated at

The date a campaign's fundraising data was last updated.

total raised

The total amount raised by a campaign.

itemization count

The number of itemized contributions in our database associated with a campaign.

pct female

The share of a campaign’s donors estimated to identify as female.

pct age 18 to 34

The percent of a campaign’s donors estimated to be between the ages of 18 and 34.

pct age 35 to 54

The percent of a campaign’s donors estimated to be between the ages of 35 and 54.

pct age 55 plus

The percent of a campaign’s donors estimated to be 55 or older.

pct aapi

The percent of a campaign’s donors estimated to identify as an Asian-American or Pacific Islander.

pct black

The percent of a campaign’s donors estimated to identify as Black.

pct latinx

The percent of a campaign’s donors estimated to identify as having Latin American heritage.

pct white

The percent of a campaign’s donors estimated to identify as white.