Matchbook exports

Matchbook audience exports include voter data from voter registration records, consumer data, and Indigo modeling.



Indigo Voter ID

Unique Indigo voter ID

State voter ID

State supplied voter ID, format differs from state to state

County voter ID

County supplied voter ID, format differs by county and state

First name

First name in uppercase with spaces, numbers, and special characters removed. Accented characters have been replaced with non-accented versions

Middle name

Middle name in uppercase with spaces, numbers, and special characters removed. Accented characters have been replaced with non-accented versions

Middle initial

Middle initial in uppercase

Last name

Last name in uppercase with spaces, numbers, and special characters removed. Accented characters have been replaced with non-accented versions

Name suffix

Name suffix in uppercase, i.e. JR, III

Date of birth

Date of birth formatted as date. DOB comes from voter registration data and commercial data


Voter gender from voter registration data. M, F, or NULL


Ethnicity, self reported on the voterfile where available, otherwise modeled. In cases where the model isn't confident, Null. AAPI, Black, Latino, Native American, White

Party registration

Party identification, based on voterfile and modeled data

Registration date

Voter registration date formatted as date. In situations where state or county updates reg date when a voter record is updated, reg_date is calculated as 30 days prior to earliest recorded vote date

Registration address

Registration address

Registration city

Registration city name

Registration state

Registration two letter state abbreviation

Registration ZIP code

Registration address zip5 as string

Mailing address

Mailing address

Mailing city

Mailing city name

Mailing state

Mailing two letter state abbreviation

Mailing ZIP code

Mailing address zip5 as string

Cell phone number

Cell phone number, 9 digits formatted as string. Cell phones with low phone confidence scores are excluded from exports.

Landline phone number

Landline phone number, 9 digits formtted as string. Landlines with low phone confidence scores are excluded from exports.

Email address

Email address

Voted: [year] [stage]

Voter turnout records for every primary and general election from 2008 to present day.* 1 if voter actually voted, 0 if voter didn't turnout out to vote, no value indicates the voter was either inelligible to vote or there was no election held in that location in that year.

Party: [year] primary

Party primary turnout for every primary election from 2008 to present day.* D if voter voted in a Democratic Primary, R if voterd voted in a Republican Primary, no value indicates the voter was either inelligible to vote or there was no primary election held in that location in that year.

* voter turnout is updated on a state by state basic after elections. Some states take up to 12 months to release individual level turnout data.