This is a variety of our core voters table, optimized for data science use cases.
Column | Description |
state | State abbreviation |
voter_id | Unique voter ID |
state_county_fips | State and county fips code, 5 digits |
dob | Date of birth formatted as date (YYYY-MM-DD). DOB comes from voter registration data and commercial data |
yob | Month and year of birth formatted as 4 digit integer (YYYY). YOB comes from voter registration data and commercial data. Some states truncate DOB to the first of the year making YOB better for matching in those cases. |
age | Current age as an integer |
reg_date | Voter registration date formatted as date (YYYY-MM-DD). In situations where state or county updates reg date when a voter record is updated, reg_date is calculated as 30 days prior to earliest recorded vote date |
years_reg | Number of years since registration date |
gender_female | Binary if voter is female |
gender_male | Binary if voter is male |
eth_aapi | One hot encoded column based on voterfile ethnicity |
eth_black | One hot encoded column based on voterfile ethnicity |
eth_latino | One hot encoded column based on voterfile ethnicity |
eth_native_american | One hot encoded column based on voterfile ethnicity |
eth_other | One hot encoded column based on voterfile ethnicity |
eth_white | One hot encoded column based on voterfile ethnicity |
eth_voterfile | Binary flag if ethnicity is on the voterfile |
modeled_race_aapi | Indigo race model, score from 0-1 with the probability that a voter is AAPI |
modeled_race_black | Indigo race model, score from 0-1 with the probability that a voter is Black |
modeled_race_latino | Indigo race model, score from 0-1 with the probability that a voter is Hispanic or Latino/a |
modeled_race_native_american | Indigo race model, score from 0-1 with the probability that a voter is Native American |
modeled_race_white | Indigo race model, score from 0-1 with the probability that a voter is White |
party_dem | Binary flag if voter is a registered Democrat |
party_rep | Binary flag if voter is a registered Republican |
party_voterfile | Binary flag if voter has party registration on the voterfile |
reg_lat | Registration address latitude |
reg_long | Registration address longitude |
commercial_homeowner | Binary flag if voter is a homeowner based on commercial data |
commercial_homeowner_years | Number of years voter has owned their home based on commercial data |
commercial_homepurchaseprice | Estimated home purhcase price based on commercial data |
commercial_ispsa | Index of social position for small areas, mix of education and income data that estimates where a voter lies on a sacle from 0 to 9 on the socio-economic ladder |
commercial_gun_owner | Binary if voter is a gun owner based on gun registrations and subscriptions to hunging / gun magazines |
commercial_veteran | Binary if voter is a veteran based on commercial data |
fec_donor | Binary flag if voter has donated to a federal candidate in the last four election cycles |
fec_dem_donor | Binary flag if candidate or organization who voter donated the largest amount to over the last four election cycles is a Democrat |
fec_rep_donor | Binary flag if candidate or organization who voter donated the largest amount to over the last four election cycles is a Republican |
fec_total_donation_amount | Total dollar amount donated in federal races over the last four election cycles |
fec_avg_donation_amount | Average donation dollar amount in federal races over the last four election cycles |
modeled_turnout_midterm_primary | Indigo midterm primary turnout model, score from 0-1 with the probability that a voter will turn out to vote in a midterm primary election |
modeled_turnout_midterm_general | Indigo midterm general turnout model, score from 0-1 with the probability that a voter will turn out to vote in a midterm general election |
modeled_turnout_presidential_primary | Indigo presidential primary turnout model, score from 0-1 with the probability that a voter will turn out to vote in a presidential primary election |
modeled_turnout_presidential_general | Indigo presidential general turnout model, score from 0-1 with the probability that a voter will turn out to vote in a presidential general election |
modeled_dem_partisanship | Indigo partisanship model, score from 0-1 with the probability that a voter indentifies as a Democrat |
census_tract_2020 | Census tract ID, 13 digits formatted as a string |
census_tract_median_income | Median income in census tract |
census_tract_median_rent | Median rent in census tract |
census_blockgroup_2020 | Census blockgroup ID, 16 digits formatted as a string |
census_blockgroup_total_pop | Total population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_households | Number of households in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_race_aapi | AAPI population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_race_black | Black population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_race_hispanic | Hispanic or Latino/a population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_race_native_american | Native American population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_race_white | White population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_age_0_17 | Age 0-17 population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_age_18_34 | Age 18-34 population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_age_35_49 | Age 35-49 population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_age_50_64 | Age 50-64 population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_age_65_plus | Age 65+ population in census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_edu_less_than_high_school | Population in census blockgroup with less than a high school education |
census_blockgroup_n_edu_high_school | Population in census blockgroup with only a high school diploma |
census_blockgroup_n_edu_some_college | Population in census blockgroup with some college education |
census_blockgroup_n_edu_college | Population in census blockgroup with a four year college degree |
census_blockgroup_n_edu_graduate_degree | Population in census blockgroup with a graduate degree |
census_blockgroup_n_income_less_than_25000 | Population in census blockgroup with a household income less than $25,000 |
census_blockgroup_n_income_25000_49999 | Population in census blockgroup with a household income from $25,000-49,999 |
census_blockgroup_n_income_50000_99999 | Population in census blockgroup with a household income from $50,000-99,999 |
census_blockgroup_n_income_100000_150000 | Population in census blockgroup with a household income from $100,000-149,999 |
census_blockgroup_n_income_150000_199999 | Population in census blockgroup with a household income from $159,000-199,999 |
census_blockgroup_n_income_200000_over | Population in census blockgroup with a household income $200,000+ |
census_blockgroup_n_sex_male | Male population in a census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_n_sex_female | Female population in a census blockgroup |
census_blockgroup_pct_race_aapi | Percent of population in census blockgroup that identifies as AAPI |
census_blockgroup_pct_race_black | Percent of population in census blockgroup that identifies as Black |
census_blockgroup_pct_race_hispanic | Percent of population in census blockgroup that identifies as Hispanic or Latino/a |
census_blockgroup_pct_race_native_american | Percent of population in census blockgroup that identifies as Native American |
census_blockgroup_pct_race_white | Percent of population in census blockgroup that identifies as White |
census_blockgroup_pct_age_0_17 | Percent of population in census blockgroup that is 0-17 years old |
census_blockgroup_pct_age_18_34 | Percent of population in census blockgroup that is 18-34 years old |
census_blockgroup_pct_age_35_49 | Percent of population in census blockgroup that is 35-49 years old |
census_blockgroup_pct_age_50_64 | Percent of population in census blockgroup that is 50-64 years old |
census_blockgroup_pct_age_64_plus | Percent of population in census blockgroup that is 65+ years old |
census_blockgroup_pct_edu_less_than_hs | Percent of population in census blockgroup with less than a high school education |
census_blockgroup_pct_edu_high_school | Percent of population in census blockgroup with only a high school diploma |
census_blockgroup_pct_edu_some_college | Percent of population in census blockgroup with some college education |
census_blockgroup_pct_edu_college | Percent of population in census blockgroup with a four year college degree |
census_blockgroup_pct_edu_graduate_degree | Percent of population in census blockgroup with a graduate degree |
census_blockgroup_pct_income_0_25k | Percent of population in census blockgroup with a household income less than $25,000 |
census_blockgroup_pct_income_25_50k | Percent of population in census blockgroup with a household income from $25,000-49,999 |
census_blockgroup_pct_income_50_100k | Percent of population in census blockgroup with a household income from $50,000-99,999 |
census_blockgroup_pct_income_100_150k | Percent of population in census blockgroup with a household income from $100,000-149,999 |
census_blockgroup_pct_income_150_200k | Percent of population in census blockgroup with a household income from $159,000-199,999 |
census_blockgroup_pct_income_200k_plus | Percent of population in census blockgroup with a household income $200,000+ |
census_blockgroup_pct_sex_male | Percent of population in a census blockgroup that is male |
census_blockgroup_pct_sex_female | Percent of population in a census blockgroup that is female |
census_blockgroup_median_rent | Median rent in census blockgroup |
g08_voted* | 1 if voted, 0 if registered to vote but didn't vote, null if wasn't registered to vote |
g08_reg* | 1 if registered to vote during this election, 0 if election occured before this voter registered |
g08_ballot_type_early* | 1 if voted early, 0 if didn't vote or voted with another method |
g08_ballot_type_absentee* | 1 if voted absenee, 0 if didn't vote or voted with another method |
g08_ballot_type_poll_vote* | 1 if voted at the polls, 0 if didn't vote or voted with another method |
g08_ballot_type_unknown* | 1 if ballot ype is unknown, 0 if didn't vote or voted with a known method |
p08_party_dem* | 1 if voted in the Democratic primary, 0 if didn't vote or voted in a different party's primary |
p08_party_rep* | 1 if voted in the Republican primary, 0 if didn't vote or voted in a different party's primary |